Get updates about virtual meetups exclusively for event organizers.

Fuel For Thought: Motorsports Conversations

Learn & Collaborate with Fellow Event Organizers

If you host motorsports rides or races, you won't want to miss out on the bi-monthly virtual meetings where you'll receive a free mini-training on a topic that can support your event. Plus, you'll get access to open discussion to talk about successes and opportunities as an organizer. We're stronger together!

2025 Events

Mark your calendar for the next virtual meetup. All Zoom meetings at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern.

🏁 Jan 29

🏁 March 26

🏁 May 28

🏁 July 30

🏁 Sept 24

🏁 Nov 26

& be sure to join the Motorsports Event Organizer Facebook group for more resources.

Get Support

Heather Wilson, CEO of High Gear Success, is passionate about supporting the motorsports industry.

As a lifelong motorcyclist and with 10+ years of professional industry experience, she has supported hundreds of event organizers with communications, marketing and operational expertise.

Get a quote to work with Heather, and get support customized to your event needs.

Share Ideas

Team up with other event hosts to share what's worked for you, what you're struggling with and hear unique ideas that could take your event to the next level.

Some events may be competitive, but there's no competition on these calls! Collaboration is what helps us improve the industry.

Have a topic in mind that you'd like me to address or do you have something you'd like to share? Get in touch.